The Power of Energy Medicine

Ashley Grandkoski
2 min readMay 13, 2020

In the last few years, my healing work has made a big shift. As I was treating people, I felt drawn to working on them energetically before I really even knew much about that kind of work. I just knew my hands had healing in them and I could help rebalance and reorganize people’s systems by using them. And so, I started to integrate this into my sessions and soon felt how powerful it was. As I’ve come to know and understand how energy works, I realized why it is so transformative. Energy is everywhere! It is intangible, and yet, it structures and creates every bit of matter we encounter. Our bodies are affected by energy in so many ways, and the more you start to pay attention to this, the better you can understand your state-of-being, physically, emotionally and mentally.

As it applies to our bodies, energy, emotion and matter are all deeply intertwined. Each aspect deeply affects the others and imbalance in one often leads to imbalance in others. However, because it is imprints in our energetic field that lead to the creation of patterns in the physical body, treating at the energetic level can address underlying causes of problems and also prevent the creation of new symptoms or dysfunction. Imagine the energy field as a blueprint for your actual tissues. If there are issues with the blueprint, there will be complications with the body’s functioning. As our bodies are constantly being re-created according to what is held in our field, working on the energy can then aid in correcting or clearing current problems while also preventing others from manifesting before they appear in physical form. Energetic treatments also clear and stabilize emotions, while removing the imprints of these emotions from your energy field. This can clear and reset patterns of chaos, stuck-ness and disturbance, leading to feelings of greater calm, grounded-ness and balance.

Though energy work tends to feel very subtle, its effects are powerful and far-reaching. Remember, energy is everywhere and we are all affected by it to a much greater degree than we realize! Our culture tends to put lots of emphasis on the physical, mechanical, structural aspects of health, but this is just because that is what we can see and feel in a tangible way. Our bodies are so much more complex than that! Deepening your relationship to energy will transform the way you understand and know your body, your mind, your emotions and the world at large. I encourage you to take an expanded perspective and explore this deep and transformative aspect of health!

Here’s to your expanded being!

Originally published at on May 13, 2020.



Ashley Grandkoski

Hi! I am an energy healer, acupuncturist, and herbalist on a mission to change the consciousness of humanity.